Luther besucht Kranke | Luther visit the sick

Luther unter den Pestkranken, Gemälde von Willem Linnig d.J., 1879, Original: Dia-handkoloriert, aus Vortragsreihe: "Dr. Martin Luther"

Luther among the plague sufferers, painting by Willem Linnig the Younger, 1879, original: hand-colored slide, from the lecture series: "Dr. Martin Luther"
Fotograf Collection Carl Simon
Aufnahmedatum 1930-01-01
Sammlung Dr. Martin Luther sw - Dr. Martin Luther bw
Stichwörter Christentum, Christianity, Kranke, Krankenpflege, Martin Luther, Pest, Plague, Protestant, Protestantism, Protestantismus, Reformation, Reformator, Willem Linnig D. J., Willem Linnig d.J., Wittenberg, nursing, reformer, religion, the sick
Copyright © foticon images
Credit © foticon images/coll. Carl Simon
Anweisungen Additional copyrights to be cleared
Dateiname foticon-simon-150-057-sw.jpg